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When Do You Really Need Oral Reconstruction? Signs It Might Be Time

Young lady looking at her perfect teeth in the mirror while dentist smiling.

Full mouth oral reconstruction offers a comprehensive way to restore both the function and look of your smile. Serious oral health issues and dental trauma can often call for major reconstructive work. If you’re facing multiple oral health concerns, then oral reconstruction could be the right choice for you.

Here’s what you need to know about this effective dental solution — and what signs can tell you it’s time to consider it.

What Is Oral Reconstruction?

Oral reconstruction isn’t a single type of procedure. Instead, it refers to a customized full mouth treatment plan that can include a range of dental procedures designed to address your unique dental health issues. Your dentist will tailor your treatment plan to suit your needs and could cover any aspect of oral health.

The primary goal of this treatment is to tackle both the function and appearance of your smile. This solution brings together the latest in modern restorative dentistry and proven principles to ensure that you enjoy long-lasting results.

When individual treatments such as fillings or crowns aren’t enough for your needs, full mouth dental reconstruction can be the answer.

Signs You May Need Dental Reconstruction

Oral reconstruction is used to deal with a wide range of dental health issues, so there are many potential indicators that it could be right for you. Chronic oral pain is one of the most common. If you face persistent toothaches or pain when chewing, then this treatment method may be necessary to provide relief and long-term function.

Missing teeth are another issue that full mouth dental reconstruction can resolve. If you’re missing multiple teeth or have suffered significant damage to your teeth, then the everyday function of your smile may be compromised. Reconstruction ensures that you can eat properly, along with preventing long-term health issues related to missing teeth.

If you’re dealing with enamel wear, cavities, or tooth decay, then misalignment could be a contributing factor. If your teeth are misaligned, then they can wear unevenly and become damaged. Full mouth oral reconstruction often includes procedures such as orthodontics or temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) treatment to resolve these issues.

Other Situations That Call for Full Mouth Reconstruction

Full mouth oral reconstruction is often used as an emergency procedure or to deal with longstanding issues that have gotten out of control. Dental trauma is one of the most common scenarios that call for it. If you’ve been in a serious accident that has damaged your teeth or jaw, you may benefit from a full reconstruction.

Severe gum disease and tooth decay can also require full mouth reconstruction. Ideally, these issues will be spotted early and dealt with through less invasive treatment. However, if they’ve become severe enough, you may need a more extensive procedure.

How Reconstruction is Able to Restore Your Smile

Full mouth reconstruction can include a wide range of different treatment options, from cosmetic care to a full extraction, depending on your unique needs. Repairing or replacing teeth is one of the most common examples. Treatments such as dental crowns, bridges, or dental implants can replace or restore missing or damaged teeth, offering both function and aesthetics.

Confronting gum disease is another important part of many treatment plans. Early gum disease may call for deep cleaning with scaling and root planing, but more advanced cases can require tissue grafts and gum surgery to protect against further gum disease progression. These issues are very common, with about 4 out of every 10 U.S. adults having some degree of gum disease.

Adjusting your bite and jaw alignment may be a part of your dentistry plan. Orthodontic dental care, like clear aligners or traditional braces, can ensure that your teeth are in the proper positions. TMJ therapy offers an effective solution to improve a variety of bite issues as well.

Benefits of Full Mouth Dental Reconstruction

This treatment offers a wide range of benefits for patients. Restoring function is a top priority here. You rely on your smile for effective eating and speaking. The improved function lets you tackle these everyday issues with confidence and also prevents further degradation caused by untreated issues.

You can also see a major improvement in the appearance of your smile. Problems such as missing, decayed, damaged, and misaligned teeth can make you feel less confident about your smile. Full mouth dental reconstruction can restore your smile so that it looks both natural and beautiful, giving you a self-esteem boost to help you face any social situation.

Find the Personalized Treatment You Need Today

If you need help with serious oral health problems or a dental emergency in Georgia, consider oral reconstruction. Dr. Brett Langston and Dr. Rachel Miro at Dental Implant & Aesthetic Specialists can create a custom full mouth treatment plan for you to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Schedule your appointment today to get started.
