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Teeth in a Day

Teeth in a Day

With an estimated 40 million Americans missing their entire set of natural teeth, restorative pieces like dental implants continue to grow in popularity. Dental implants can help address multiple missing teeth to create a full, perfect smile.

While dental implants are one of the most frequently performed oral procedures, it is essential that you choose a specialist to perform your treatment. Only expertly trained professionals can provide you with the best results and offer options like convenient Teeth-in-a-Day procedures.

Dr. Brett Langston at Dental Implant and Aesthetic Specialists in Atlanta provides a range of dental implant treatments, including Teeth-in-a-Day. Here is what you need to know about this innovative procedure to help you achieve a whole new smile in just one visit.

Dentist checking up patient's teeth

What Is the Teeth-in-a-Day Procedure?

Teeth-in-a-Day is a dental implant procedure designed to produce rapid results. This option is great for patients with numerous missing or damaged teeth. Teeth-in-a-Day procedures aim to provide patients with fully functioning teeth using dental implants in a single, one-day procedure.


“Hybrids” often refer to hybrid dentures, also known as hybrid implant-supported dentures or fixed-detachable prostheses. These types of dental prostheses combine dental implants’ advantages with a full denture’s coverage.

Hybrid dentures are typically anchored to four or more dental implants surgically placed in the jawbone. The denture framework is usually made from a combination of materials, such as acrylic and metal, designed to simulate the appearance of natural gums and teeth.

Unlike traditional removable dentures, hybrid dentures are fixed in the mouth. They are securely attached to the implants, providing a stable and permanent solution. Only a dentist can remove the hybrid denture, typically for maintenance or cleaning.


  • Improved Functionality: Because they are anchored to implants, hybrid dentures are much more stable than traditional dentures, improving the individual’s ability to chew and speak.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: They are designed to look like natural teeth and gums, offering an aesthetic improvement for individuals who have lost all or most of their teeth.
  • Jawbone Preservation: Dental implants help preserve the jawbone and prevent the bone loss that typically follows tooth loss.
  • Comfort: Hybrids are fixed in place, eliminating many of the discomforts associated with removable dentures, such as slipping or irritation.
  • Procedure: The process of getting hybrid dentures typically involves several stages, including the surgical placement of implants, integration time for the implants to bond with the bone (osseointegration), and the fabrication and fitting of the hybrid denture.
  • Candidates: Ideal candidates for hybrid dentures are individuals who have lost most or all of their teeth but have enough bone density to support dental implants. In cases where bone density is insufficient, bone grafting might be necessary before the procedure.
  • Maintenance: While hybrid dentures are fixed, they still require regular cleaning and maintenance, similar to natural teeth. Patients must maintain good oral hygiene and visit their dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings.

Hybrid dentures represent a significant advancement in restorative dentistry. They offer a durable, functional, and aesthetic solution for individuals with extensive tooth loss. They provide a much-needed alternative for those who find traditional dentures unsatisfactory, combining the benefits of implant technology with the comprehensive coverage of dentures.

Is It Really Possible to Replace an Entire Arch in a Single Day?

When you hear of a treatment like Teeth-in-a-Day, you might think, “How can teeth be replaced in one day?” The Teeth-in-a-Day procedure makes this possible thanks to modern advancements in dental technology and specialist training.

The Teeth-in-a-Day procedure works by replacing an entire arch of teeth at once. This is done by installing two or four dental implants in strategic places along the jawline and attaching a complete arch of artificial teeth to those implants.

Patients with multiple missing teeth can receive a completely new set of teeth with this type of treatment.

How Many Teeth Can Be Fixed in a Day?

Whether you require one tooth or your entire set, dental implant procedures can resolve your broken, damaged, or missing teeth all in one day. While a singular implant can be placed to address one missing tooth, Teeth-in-a-Day is often the preferred method used to replace the entire upper or lower set of teeth.

Ideal Candidates for Dental Implants

Teeth-in-a-Day dental implants can benefit a range of different patients, including:

Those With One or More Missing Teeth

Teeth-in-a-Day implants can be ideal for people with one or more missing teeth. They are especially beneficial to those missing an entire row or arch of teeth. Using traditional implants, replacing numerous teeth could take several visits. With Teeth-in-a-Day, a complete set of teeth can be placed in one appointment.

Patients Over 18 Years of Age

There is no upper age limit on dental implants, but there is a lower age limit. Optimal patients will be at least 18 years of age. The jawbone must be fully developed before receiving teeth-in-a-day, as the implants must be attached to the bone.

Benefits of Teeth-In-A-Day Surgery

Dental restoration offers a number of benefits to patients who have lost teeth or those with failing teeth. The advantages of getting Teeth-in-a-Day dental implants include:

  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Fast results
  • Improved confidence
  • Better bite strength
  • Restored function

Implant dentistry provides significant aesthetic benefits, helping patients feel more confident in their smiles. On top of that, having your teeth restored can resolve function issues like trouble chewing and difficulty speaking.

When it comes to Teeth-in-a-Day implants, there are notable benefits to the procedure itself. These implants can be completed in just one day, which sets them apart from other restoration options that can take several visits. It can also make them more budget-friendly since you pay for one appointment.

What’s the Process?

Your Teeth-in-a-Day process begins with a consultation at our office. Our oral surgeon, Dr. Brett Langston, will evaluate your current dental issues and go over your concerns.

You will discuss your desired outcome, budget, and expected timeframe to determine whether you are a good candidate for dental implants. At this time, you should also provide your complete medical history and any medications or supplements that you take.

Once you have had your consultation and been deemed eligible for implants, you can schedule your Teeth-in-a-Day procedure. Dental X-rays will be obtained to get a detailed view of your jawbone structure. From there, your custom restoration pieces will be created.

When you arrive for your Teeth-in-a-Day treatment, you will be made comfortable in one of our surgical rooms. For most patients, general anesthesia will be used to provide optimal ease throughout the procedure. Once this has taken effect, we begin the actual treatment.

To place your dental implants, we install titanium screws directly into the jawbone. For Teeth-in-a-Day, implants will be placed in four spots along the jawbone. The arch pieces are then attached to the implants to create a complete set of teeth.

After your procedure is finished, you will be monitored as you awaken from anesthesia, and you will then be sent home to begin your recovery process. You will need to arrange in advance to have someone drive you home.

Does the Procedure Hurt?

Your comfort is our priority. That is why we administer local anesthesia directly to the gums during your procedure to minimize any discomfort you may feel upon waking.

What to Expect After Teeth-In-A-Day Surgery?

Getting dental implants can cause some soreness and swelling in the gums. You may be given a prescription for pain control for several days following your procedure. Over-the-counter painkillers can manage mild discomfort as well.

After your procedure, you must practice good oral hygiene. You should brush your new teeth twice daily, using gentle motions around the gumline.

Flossing should be done after every meal to remove food particles and bacteria from between the teeth. To flush out any remaining bacteria, it’s good practice to rinse twice daily with an antibacterial mouthwash.

To maintain your dental implants long-term, visit your dentist regularly. A professional cleaning at least twice yearly can help remove plaque buildup from your restoration pieces. These routine checkups can also assess your hardware for any signs of damage.

Schedule Your Appointment With the Dental Implant Specialists of Atlanta

Have you been searching for an expert implant dentist who can restore your beautiful smile? Look no further than Dr. Brett Langston at Dental Implant and Aesthetic Specialists. If you have questions or concerns about Teeth-in-a-Day or other restoration options, book an appointment with our highly trained specialists today!